Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Google Earth

Getting back to blogging after a long suspension... keep visiting as more interesting stuff is coming soon... :) :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Got up at 5.30 and first thing to see this morning was a waning crescent and that sight definitely made me happy ... ha ha !

Sometimes small thing make obe feel good...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

On the Platter

Its Sunday and been out for dinner.
this time went for mexican food. the restaurant as usual was too full and had to wait outside for 20 minutes. Then we reach in there and i knew exactly what i wanted to have. Had been same place couple of time and all three times had fish i knew the menu card especially the section which says Superb seafood and yes it is superb indeed.
Had best ever Mexican food so far tasted.
Yes, the dish had fish :)
This Mexican restaurant "RED IGUANA" and had dish called "PARRILLADA"
Simply awesome and along with couple of Jamaican Margaritas. Whoa total fun: D
They give grilled lobster, shrimp, scallops, ahi tuna and crab topped
With melted cheese on the platter with a side of Spanish rice.

The fish was so delicious that i forgot to eat that side of Spanish rice
Who wants to eat rice when there is so good fish.

Ha-ha. The food was so delicious and it deserves this space.

Attaching picture.

Thanks for reading and keep commenting :)


Two years later...

This I am trying to do for more than 2 years now and today i feel like making one blog for the friends and the family. I think this will really help in letting people know what’s happening in life. As i see the date it says 8/8/10 and it’s exactly been two years now that i am here. Yes, my first flight i took was on 8/8/8. What an exciting day that was and probably one of the biggest days of my life. The crossing of dateline made a big day look even bigger. When i look back to that day, i get one-fourth tear in my eyes which i had even then. That time seeing mummy go and not to see her for two years now the one-fourth tear drop does get converted in to a full-fledged tear drop. But its life, keep moving ahead, and to put down those feelings into words is next to impossible but i can try. That day and the evening before that night i realized i indeed had few good friends and they will be there forever. All cousins and friend helping with packing was so relaxing. The last meal with all you guys was relaxing. Mom crying all the time was not a pretty sight to see. And today when i call her i was very happy to know her enjoying the Trip and celebrating Guttari in a grand way :)
I have mixed feeling being away from home: sometimes it’s so bad and emotional part takes over the financial part. Some other day i feel so happy here while living amidst mountains and seeing pretty lakes around. In those two years i really missed Mumbai and home a lot. Things start changing slowly and you get to use of different life. Food habits changed no beef and pork though. The early morning chapatti bhaji breakfast is thing of past. Why it is that we always want to live thinking the past and think present is boring the same present in future becomes exciting that in future we want to live the present when it’s already past. Oh! if you don’t understand that then me neither .In this two years i really enjoyed a lot and made new good friends and experiences some awesome places with few being in the list of natural wonders will try and write a detailed blog on those not now but later. Or might simple cut copy paste the emails i wrote. The C P thing is so nice in the modern world :)

I would like to describe a day that i lived exactly two years before from now. The first flight i took. It was first time getting out of mother land. That time getting out of motherland was exciting and now two years after just the thinking of getting into mother land excites even more.
The first flight was awesome thanks to all those friends who came to drop me airport. Everyone was busy but still they were there. I thank all of you. I can still remember the last few words exchanged and the modern technology used to express the final feelings. The flight was great Jet Airways 9W210 unfortunately they don't run that anymore. Taking off from Mumbai, stop at Shanghai and then SFO. Take another one at SFO to reach Salt Lake City. The 25 hour flight still no change of date. I would recommend any Jet airways the food they serve is great especially the vada chat. I am trying to keep this blog short as this is my first blog. I thought of writing a blog just to replace the long emails i use to write once in a while. Guys this is substitute for email i used to send to all of you. This is really a convenient and a great way to be in touch with friends and family.

Will write another one really soon.

Thanks for reading.